How do I request a tennis key? To request a tennis court key:
log into your account by clicking the owner-portal tab.
click "requests", "tennis key request", "new request".
fill out the request and hit "submit". As an FYI, there is a $15 charge per tennis key.
If a you are a renter, please ask the owner to submit a request on your behalf in PayHOA
We will review your homeowner standing, then email you back with instructions on how you can pick up your key. Please ensure you have no open violations and are current on dues.
How do I rent the clubhouse? To rent the clubhouse:
log into your account by clicking the owner-portal tab.
click "requests", "clubhouse rental", "new request".
fill out the reservation request and hit "submit".
If a you are a renter, please ask the owner to submit a request on your behalf in PayHOA.
We will review availability and your homeowner standing, then email you back with next steps. Please ensure you have no open violations and are current on dues.
How do I get a pool pass? To request a pool pass visit MokoPass.